Playlist #532 :: Sectioned v4 (release of the week)

Meat Beat Manifesto :: Digital Ear [D::N] Jack Dangers
Echaskech :: Metic [Origin] Just Music
Abereiddy Astronomical Society :: Eroding Tides [Sectioned v4] Section 27
Defrag :: Drown [Drown] Hymen
Displacer :: RZLA (MMX Metamix) [Black Lotus] The Crime League
Kero :: MMVSMD [Friendly Integration V2] Detroit Underground
Cernlab :: Scientificmurder [Atomherz EP] Electroton
Erratic :: Flotation Dub [Downward Echoes EP] Acre
Pattern Behavior :: Tunnels [Pattern Behavior] Component
Pat Hime :: Torpor [Tymbals] Acroplane
Lucy :: Laws and Habits [Churches Schools and Guns] Stroboscopic Artefacts
Blamstrain :: Goldenflow (feat. Hossni Boudalli) [For All The Dreamers In] s/r
Logreybeam :: Marinetti vs. The Golem (w/ Lure) [False Start] False Industries
Huron :: Silent Hills [The Other Side of Reality] Raumklang
Access to Arasaka :: Sicral [Orbitus] Tympanik Audio
Architect :: Neverending [Mine] Hymen
Esem :: Ssyeru [Aquanaut EP] s/r
Brett Naucke :: Harp of the Evening Garden [Seed] Spectrum Spools
Petrichoir :: Tellurian [Twineman] s/r
eyesix :: Whistling of the Douglas Firs (feat. Bearhead) [Limerence] Sparkwood
Shadow Priest :: Xtna [Street Theatre] Section 27
BeK :: Bathroom [Cheikh EP] Kaometry
Dead Fader :: In Cover [Blood Forest] Robot Elephant
Mitoma :: Shadowsun [Iso:Forms] Brainstormlabs
Hecq :: untitled [Horrow Vacui] Hymen
Bimbotronic :: Fortitude [Street View] Crackling Claps
David Douglas :: Far Side of the Moon [Moon Observations] Atomnation
Enkephalin :: Astral Comedy [Cloud Surfer EP] Kaometry
MultiColor :: Moving Up [Cyclicity EP] Tympanik Audio
Wooky :: Inicii Skin [Montjuic] spa.RK
The JD’s :: Who Controls the Controllers [Education] Pretension
Swarm Intelligence :: Bluepop [Iugeri Sonus IV] Acre

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D::N release of the week :: V/A Sectioned v4 (Section 27)

Playlist #531 :: Petrichoir ‘Twineman’ (release of the week)

Meat Beat Manifesto :: Digital Ear [D::N] Jack Dangers
Cedric von Flugel :: Incisor [Sectioned v4.0] Section 27
Defrag :: If you were a dream [Drown] Hymen
David Douglas :: Je New Sais Pas [Moon Observations] Atomnation
Cooptrol :: Tufted Deer Raw [Sectioned v4.0] Section 27
Huron :: Landscape of Autumn [The Other Side of Reality] Raumklang
Panther God :: Slides (feat. Wake) [Golden Changes] Outside
Memphidos :: Walking to Loneliness [Walking to Loneliness] Sonic Loom
Deru :: Words You Said [Trying to Remember] Merck
Petrichoir :: ÔSinÕ HIJ -Town [Twineman] Self-Released
Shadow Priest :: Six Kix [Street Theatre] Section 27
Atiq & Enk :: Stay with the Familiar (Zinovia Vocalized rmx) [Embracing…] Mindtrick
Diamat :: Zralocik (Ruxpin remake) [Being…Remixed] n5MD
Fennesz :: Pallas Athene [The Liar] Mego
Brett Naucke :: Luau [Seed] Spectrum Spools
David Douglas :: Romanticism [Moon Observations] Atomnation
The Wee DJs :: Something [Sectioned v4.0] Section 27
Shadow Priest :: Twoseven [Sectioned v4.0] Section 27
ADJ :: Live it with a Smile [Sectioned v4.0] Section 27
Rainer Veil :: UK Will Not Survive [Now Brutalism] Modern Love
Annie Hall :: Sada Abe [Random Paraphilia] Detroit Underground
Lexaunculpt :: Strangelove Offline [The Blurring of Trees] Planet Mu
Defrag :: Make them Real [Drown] Hymen
Enkephalin :: Cloud Surfer [Cloud Surfer EP] Kaometry
Weldroid :: Sleep Tight (Sheever rmx) [Protozorq Remixes]
Dead Fader :: Tenblum [Blood Forest] Robot Elephant
Meat beat Manifesto :: Stereophrenic [Subliminal Sandwich] PIAS
Pat Hime :: Earls Sluice [Tymbals] Acroplane

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D::N release of the week :: Petrichoir Twineman (Self-Released)

Playlist #530 :: Wooky ‘Montjuic’ (release of the week)

Meat Beat Manifesto :: Digital Ear [D::N] Jack Dangers
Enabl.ed :: 6 years and 8 VideosÉ [#DatGlitch] Clean Error
Annie Hall :: Bandit 28930 (R. Devine rmx) [Random Paraphilia] Detroit Underground
Weldroid :: Not Your FaultÉ (IllÕs Bipolar Disorder [Protozorq Remixes]
Franck Kartell :: Afterlife [Afterlife] Bass Agenda
Atiq & EnK :: Moonlit Tea Party (SubOctane rmx) [Embracing the Unknown] Mindtrick
Suboctane :: Solution [Underground Traffic] Mindtrick
the_empath :: Re-quietude (Dirk Geiger rework) [Growling Unrest] Hymen
Wooky :: Lisboa [Montjuic] spa.RK
Enkephalin :: Climatic Behaviours [Cloud Surfer EP] Kaometry :: Ae1 Ghoeb ( rmx) [Terrestrial] Self-Released
MultiColor :: A Special Moment (Balkansky rmx) [Cyclicty EP] Tympanik Audio
Shadow Priest :: Everseen [Street Theatre] Section 27
Shadow Priest :: Eightyfour [Street Theatre] Section 27
Echaskech :: Test Exposure [Form | Function EP] Just Music
King of the Mountain :: Zebra Girls [Zoetrope] Melodic
Nmls :: On Air [Transmission EP] Component
Anklebiter :: Tickle Monster [Weight of a Pronoun] The Crime League
Mental D-struction :: Erase [Leben Uber Alies…] Night Terror
Nonima :: Escape Path [Departure EP] Pripyat
Iuengliss :: Descent [Down Cosm] Plastic Sound Supply
Jacob Birge :: galan [Fountainhead EP] Acre
Autechre :: newbound [L-Event EP] Warp
Autechre :: Basscadubrmx [Basscad EP] Warp
Autechre :: 444 [Incunabula] Warp

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D::N release of the week :: Wooky Montjuic (spa.RK)