Playlist #609

Meat Beat Manifesto :: Digital Ear [Intro] Jack Dangers
Ignatius :: FM_skitter_24 [Vitrine Mentions] Buried In Time
Autechre :: tt1pd [NTS Sessions 3] Warp
exm | Mitoma :: FF0007 [FF0000] Touched Music
Richard Devine :: Brux [Sort\Lave] Timesig/Planet Mu
Vortex Count :: Superconduc.Type III (Mitoma Version) [Sectioned v7.0] Section 27
Yaporigami :: Rhythm Study III [Rhythm Study III / Rhythm Study IV EP] The Collection Artaud
Yaporigami :: Xinri A [Xinri A / Xinri B EP] The Collection Artaud
Midimode :: _–)∞(–_ [Microx23u EP] Sealt
Dmitri Mazurov :: Dartmoor [Simulacra] Detroit Underground
Vhsceral :: Yooroh [Living on Europa] Renraku
Monoiz :: Stray Signals [Blurs] Crazylanguage
Derek Piotr :: Despot [Grunt] DPSR
Blueorangee :: Tarvisio’s Woods Feelings [White Pajamas] Numb Capsule :: Horses [Sichten 1 curated by Frank Bretschneider] Raster
exm :: Krinche [Sectioned v7.0] Section 27
Justin Maxwell :: Sunshine [Synthesized Sounds for Young Humans] Touched Music
Aot-x :: Industrialization [Per Aspera Ad Astra] Touched Music
Keiss :: Drawing Pad (Karsten Pflum remix) [Tau Ceti] Touched Music
DTROY :: Younger Dryas [Terra Incognita] Detroit Underground
ADJ :: The Path [Sectioned v7.0] Section 27
Kronom :: Ringer (Rico Casazza remix) [Suffocate EP] Faster Than Music
Scanone :: Re-Turn [E.ONESEVEN EP] Analogical Force
ADJ :: Hole In The Valley [Street Life Part 1 EP] Pyramid Transmissions
Morphology :: Hidden Variable [Traveller] Firescope
Ital Tek :: Bodied [Bodied] Planet-Mu
Witch Eyes :: Sob Story [Treatment] Component
Carbinax :: Biotic (2018 Mix) [Upgrades: Versions 2.0] Self-Released
Axiom 23 :: Concentral Mediator [Origins EP] Kahvi
Vizier of Damascus :: Grenados Window [Ramadan Heights] Self-Released
Fall Therapy :: Concessions [You Look Different] n5MD
4T Thieves :: The System [Wayfield Asylum EP] Kahvi
Aphex Twin :: MT1 t29r2 [Collapse EP] Warp
At The Psychedelic Circus :: Samsara [Psychedelic Motel EP] Shipwrec
Morego :: Petrichor [Solivagant] D.M.T.
Casino Versus Japan :: Not Dreaming [Suicide By Sun] CVSJ
Understated Theory :: Solar Refraction [Tales From The Shadowlands] Sparkwood
SineRider :: Memory Module [Lonely Ocean] Sun Sea Sky
Tangent :: Confinement [Approaching Complexity] n5MD
Ital Tek :: Become Real [Bodied] Planet-Mu

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Playlist #607 :: Subskan ‘Ambidextrous Asylums’ (release of the week)

Meat Beat Manifesto :: Digital Ear [Intro] Jack Dangers
Subskan :: Awaken Beyond [Ambidextrous Asylums] Hymen
Belief Defect :: Unnatural Instinct [Decadent Yet Depraved] Raster
Somatic Responses :: Nightmares [Pattern Finding – Seeking Bonus] Hymen
Kothyus :: Camara de Evolucion [Vinculo Remoto EP] People Can Listen
Gamma Intel :: Post Factum [Drama In Decay] Brokntoys
Sense :: Moments [Fifth Listen] People Can Listen
T_st & Dronelock :: No Sleep, No Dreams [The Eternal Now] Sphere Gear
Drvg Cvltvre :: Adapted Gills Part 1 [Presents H-World: Adapted Gills] Shipwrec
Room of Wires :: Mastakink [Mastakink EP] Self-Released
Rontronik :: Ghost Network [D A T A S H I F T EP] Self-Released & Plaster :: Sybilla [Parteno EP] Delirio
Esem :: unfoldmx [| | EP] Self-Released
Karsten Pflum :: Reichenberger Electro [Love Canticles] Touched Music
Bass Kittens :: Complex Chemistry (All-Stars Rmx) [The Inevitable Consequence…] Addictech
Meat Beat Manifesto :: Unique Boutique [Impossible Star] Flexidisc
Neil Landstrumm :: Chrome and Ferric [A Death, a Mexican and a Mormon EP] Central Processing Unit
Bass Kittens :: Brief Thoughts of Home [Neither Living Nor Dead] Pretension
Claro Intelecto :: Mr Stewart [Exhilarator] Delsin
Ghostwerk :: IDKFMRNDCYCLE [Shadow Culture] Detroit Underground
Cult of the Black Noise :: Edge Runner [Arc Sec 01] Endless Arc
Ignatius :: Vnoodles [Legacy Systems] Buried In Time
Einoma :: Vioveran [Encam EP] Trachanik
Esem :: v | or [| | EP] Self-Released
Cathode Ray Tube :: Dubious Waves [Atlas of Migraine] Heterodox
Subskan :: evo4 [Ambidextrous Asylums] Hymen
Spatial :: System I (Meat Beat Manifesto FreQ) [A Music of Sound Systems EP] Infrasonic
Ariadne’s Labyrinth :: Tiny Car [Twists & Turns] Touched Music
Ghostwerk :: Zebra Print [Shadow Culture] Detroit Underground
Dn Fnckn :: Ghetto One Four [Touched Two] Touched Music
Wooky :: Inheritance I [Montjuic] spa.RK
Machine Drum :: Stevie Bam Jackson Rmx (Kettel) [Mergerz & Acquisitionz] Merck
Displacer :: Power Word [The Face You Deserve] Hymen
Displacer :: Shadow Self [The Face You Deserve] Hymen
Christian Kleine :: Charcoal [Electronic Music from the Lost World: 1998-2001] ASIP
Eat Static :: The Swamp [Last Ship to Paradise] Interchill
Larvae :: At The Gates [Ghost Dubs EP] The Crime League
Semiomime :: Garden Portal [Close Ones] Mindtrick
Turbo Teeth :: Money Over Glitches [Yellow Equals One EP] Untitled-1
Tapage :: Friction [Chrome Fragments] Lomechanik
Vizier of Damascus :: The Yemeni’s Flute [Bukhara Kites Part One] Rednetic
Meat Beat Manifesto :: Want Ads Two [At The Center] Thirsty Ear
Maps and Diagrams :: Control Codes [Differential Equations] Numb Capsule
exm :: DSProjeK [Hallucino Attics (Dissolved Re-Constructed 2001-2006)] Section 27
Karsten Pflum :: I Am Ice (Ochre rmx) [Love Canticles] Touched Music
Abjective :: Nibiru V2 [Diamagnetic Levitation] Detroit Underground
Rontronik :: Dismantling Thought [D A T A S H I F T EP] Self-Released

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D::N release of the week :: Subskan Ambidextrous Asylums (Hymen)

Playlist #603 :: We Are Back! — Bochum Welt ‘April’ (release of the week)

Meat Beat Manifesto :: Digital Ear [D::N] Jack Dangers
Meat Beat Manifesto :: Ear Lips [MBM2016EP] Self-Released
Cathode Ray Tube :: Dormant Alchemy [The Frozen Years EP] Condition:Human
Pop Will Eat Itself :: The Beat That Refused to Die [Cure for Sanity] RCA
DHS :: This Is A Journey [The Difference Between Noise & Music] Hangman
DHS :: The Difference Between Noise & Music [The Difference Between Noise & Music] Hangman
Mouse Of Mars :: Bib [Iaora Tahiti] Too Pure
Lexaunculpt :: Has been Trying Not To Wonder [The Blurring of Trees] Planet Mu
Blamstrain :: Process [Ensi] Merck
Bola :: Ballast (Triangle) [Shapes] Skam
Mr. Projectile :: All Is Metal [Phoenix] Self-Released
JFrank :: Hikikomori (Valance Drakes Rmx) [Micro Life Span EP] Kaer’Uiks
MacroNoise :: Ligeia (Ralax Remix) [Caravan Planet EP] Abstrakt Reflections
Enabl.ed :: Scape 57 [Tipsy Haux 2.0] Clean Error
Valance Drakes :: Our own private heaven 2.0 [Morphing into an angel EP] Irrational Media
Download :: INAGE MAntra [Lingham] Metropolis
Speedy J :: Actor Nine [A Shocking Hobby] NovaMute
Scorn :: Falling (Autechre “FR 13” Mix) [Ellipsis] Scorn
Phoenecia :: Odd Job [Brownout] Schematic Music Co.
Jake Mandell :: Worried Waves [Parallel Process] Worm Interface
Mr. 76ix :: W423z [Experiment Four] Skam
Karsten Pflum :: Wrraou [No Noia My Love] Hymen
Loden :: Tenofour [Valeen Hope] Mush
Autechre :: Dael [Tri Repetae++] Warp
Wake :: Hyper Myler [Am Diamond] Schematic Music Co.
Exm :: Meltt [Modulus] Touched Music
Luke Killen :: Fast Struggle [Tending The Nest] DataDoor
Mikroben Krieg :: Torn Lips Never Whisper Boldness [Intrascape] The Crime League
C_C :: S_TEP [Impedulo] Dataglitch
Si Begg :: Vacuum Pump Ejector [Blueprint] Shitkatapult
Clark :: Hoova [Death Peak] Warp
Huron :: Blank Cities [Inside Information] Mindtrick
Bochum Welt :: Suddenly Spring [April] !K7
Delete :: Warm Street [Neva EP] Mindtrick
Delete :: 90s Childhood [Muscovite] Mindtrick
Boards of Canada :: One Very Important Thought [Music Has The Right to Children] Warp

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D::N release of the week :: Bochum Welt April (!K7)

Playlist #589 :: The Orb ‘Moonbuilding 2703 AD’ (release of the week)

Meat Beat Manifesto :: Digital Ear [Intro] Jack Dangers
Jvox :: Architect of the Truth [Strange Universe II] Component
Meat Beat Manifesto :: Lurker [Kasm2] Skam/Kasm
Stendeck :: Nobody Lives Here Anymore [Folgor] Tympanik Audio
Meat Beat Manifesto :: Let Me Set [Answers Come In Dreams] Hydrogen Dukebox
Cim :: Drawn (Bengalfuel Mix) [Touched Two: The Remixes] Touched Music
The Fear Ratio :: GBA [Refuge of a Twisted Soul] Skam
Autechre :: Montreal [Amber] Warp
Island Near the Clouds :: In Parallel [One on Twosim V6] Twoism
eyesix :: Fibonacci Forest (feat. Faex Optim) [Ouija] Carpe Sonum
port-royal :: Tallinn [Where Are You Now] n5MD
The Orb :: Lunar Caves [Moonbuilding 2703 AD] Kompakt
Faex Optim :: Big Moon [Mercury] Kahvi
2ndMouse :: Out of my Control (Karsten Pflum Rmx) [The Secret Chords] Touched Music
Point 7 :: Bit Loop Eddie [What?] Toytronic
(ghost) :: Elas [Elas EP] n5MD
Skurken :: Nonfja]] [Nonfjall] Raftonar
The Orb :: Moonbuilding 2703 AD [Moonbuilding 2703 AD] Kompakt
Cathode Ray Tube :: Cortisol [Exodus Partners] Component
The Future Sound of London :: Electric Brain Storm [Environments Five Bonus EP] FSOL
eyesix :: Arecibo Observatory [Conet Communications Workshop EP] Sparkwood
Jvox :: Where Did She Go? [Strange Universe II] Component
Flatland Sound System :: Gypsy Bird Cage Cart [Maximum Vacation Plus] Bedroom Research

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D::N release of the week :: The Orb Moonbuilding 2703 AD (Kompakt)

Playlist #584 :: IAEA Headquarters ‘Storm 21’ (release of the week)

Meat Beat Manifesto :: Digital Ear [Intro] Jack Dangers
Karsten Pflum :: nibbnubb [Dode] Hymen
Not Breathing :: Night Bell [Wrightman II] s/r
IAEA Headquarters :: Relot [Storm 21] Clean Error
DOS4GW :: Mont Blanc [Reign of Error] Low Res
The Fear Ratio :: Ferm [Refuge of a Twisted Soul] Skam
Dn Fnckn :: Ghetto One Four [Touched Two] Touched Music
Dn Fnckn :: Ghetto One Four (Legiac rmx) [Touched Two (The Remixes)] Touched Music
alt land :: Train (Artem Sensiva rmx) [Touched Two (The Remixes)] Touched Music
Flatland Sound System :: Dogfish Fantasies [Maximum Vacation Plus] Bedroom Research
The Pryner :: Double Focus [Yestercade] Component
Nour Fawzi :: Phantomise [Fragmented] Mindtrick
Meat Beat Manifesto :: I Got the Fear Pt.3 [Storm the Studio] Wax Trax!
Goto80 :: Birds on Bugs [_| ̄|○] DataDoor
Audiovoid :: Cinematic [Reign of Error] Low Res
Cardopusher :: Morning Traffic Dance [Manipulator] Boysnoize
Final Cut :: She Destroy’s [Deep Into The Cut] Big Sex
Frank Riggio :: Fullof (Artless version) [Nerves of Time V3] Kaometry
Joel Tammik :: Paat [Circuits Imprimes V3] Pavillon36
Quanta :: Vibratory Fields (Ion Driver rmx) [Ion Driver Presents…] Addictech
Legiac :: Jefre Treminth [The Faex Has Decimated] Tympanik Audio
Multicolor :: Lost Moment [From the Outside] Tympanik Audio
Faex Optim :: Atlas 9 [Mercury] Kahvi
Sun Glitters :: Not EveryDay Sometimes (Gold MOOn Rework) [Touched Two (The Remixes)] Touched Music
Arovane :: Woven (Peter Benisch rmx) [Touched Two (The Remixes)] Touched Music

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D::N release of the week :: IAEA Headquarters Storm 21 (Clean Error)