Playlist #613 :: Electronic Sound Spectrum Mix (from the archives 03.28.2013)

DJ Pietrobot
Electronic Sound Spectrum / Proof Bar (Santa Ana, CA)
March 28, 2013

Alex Cortex :: Track 06
Kenny Larkin :: Tedra
Meat Beat Manifesto :: Prime Audio Soup (Vegetarian Soup by BOC)
Phoenecia :: Two-Part Invention For Bodhran & Computer
ArdBit & Roel Funcken :: Drubber
Whitebear :: Primal Stomp
Appleblim :: Vansan
Solypsis :: Perpetually Out Of Control (MBM rmx)
Shamanic Technology :: Shamanic Technology (Floating in Ayahuasca)
Secret Frequency Crew :: Holographic Moon Owls
Brothomstates :: Jak Got Stuck in Canada and this Sounds Like
Plaid :: Faster (L8 Mix)
Aphex Twin :: Ageispolis
Dissolved :: Stickleback Red
Dr Alex Paterson :: Fill 3
Baby Kruger :: Oyskjegger
Carl Craig :: At Les
The Orb :: Dolly Unit
Semiomime :: D-Coherence
Dissolved :: Every Lime Pit Has A Radio
Aligning Minds :: Bright Flames
Dr Alex Paterson :: Fill 3

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Playlist #607 :: Subskan ‘Ambidextrous Asylums’ (release of the week)

Meat Beat Manifesto :: Digital Ear [Intro] Jack Dangers
Subskan :: Awaken Beyond [Ambidextrous Asylums] Hymen
Belief Defect :: Unnatural Instinct [Decadent Yet Depraved] Raster
Somatic Responses :: Nightmares [Pattern Finding – Seeking Bonus] Hymen
Kothyus :: Camara de Evolucion [Vinculo Remoto EP] People Can Listen
Gamma Intel :: Post Factum [Drama In Decay] Brokntoys
Sense :: Moments [Fifth Listen] People Can Listen
T_st & Dronelock :: No Sleep, No Dreams [The Eternal Now] Sphere Gear
Drvg Cvltvre :: Adapted Gills Part 1 [Presents H-World: Adapted Gills] Shipwrec
Room of Wires :: Mastakink [Mastakink EP] Self-Released
Rontronik :: Ghost Network [D A T A S H I F T EP] Self-Released & Plaster :: Sybilla [Parteno EP] Delirio
Esem :: unfoldmx [| | EP] Self-Released
Karsten Pflum :: Reichenberger Electro [Love Canticles] Touched Music
Bass Kittens :: Complex Chemistry (All-Stars Rmx) [The Inevitable Consequence…] Addictech
Meat Beat Manifesto :: Unique Boutique [Impossible Star] Flexidisc
Neil Landstrumm :: Chrome and Ferric [A Death, a Mexican and a Mormon EP] Central Processing Unit
Bass Kittens :: Brief Thoughts of Home [Neither Living Nor Dead] Pretension
Claro Intelecto :: Mr Stewart [Exhilarator] Delsin
Ghostwerk :: IDKFMRNDCYCLE [Shadow Culture] Detroit Underground
Cult of the Black Noise :: Edge Runner [Arc Sec 01] Endless Arc
Ignatius :: Vnoodles [Legacy Systems] Buried In Time
Einoma :: Vioveran [Encam EP] Trachanik
Esem :: v | or [| | EP] Self-Released
Cathode Ray Tube :: Dubious Waves [Atlas of Migraine] Heterodox
Subskan :: evo4 [Ambidextrous Asylums] Hymen
Spatial :: System I (Meat Beat Manifesto FreQ) [A Music of Sound Systems EP] Infrasonic
Ariadne’s Labyrinth :: Tiny Car [Twists & Turns] Touched Music
Ghostwerk :: Zebra Print [Shadow Culture] Detroit Underground
Dn Fnckn :: Ghetto One Four [Touched Two] Touched Music
Wooky :: Inheritance I [Montjuic] spa.RK
Machine Drum :: Stevie Bam Jackson Rmx (Kettel) [Mergerz & Acquisitionz] Merck
Displacer :: Power Word [The Face You Deserve] Hymen
Displacer :: Shadow Self [The Face You Deserve] Hymen
Christian Kleine :: Charcoal [Electronic Music from the Lost World: 1998-2001] ASIP
Eat Static :: The Swamp [Last Ship to Paradise] Interchill
Larvae :: At The Gates [Ghost Dubs EP] The Crime League
Semiomime :: Garden Portal [Close Ones] Mindtrick
Turbo Teeth :: Money Over Glitches [Yellow Equals One EP] Untitled-1
Tapage :: Friction [Chrome Fragments] Lomechanik
Vizier of Damascus :: The Yemeni’s Flute [Bukhara Kites Part One] Rednetic
Meat Beat Manifesto :: Want Ads Two [At The Center] Thirsty Ear
Maps and Diagrams :: Control Codes [Differential Equations] Numb Capsule
exm :: DSProjeK [Hallucino Attics (Dissolved Re-Constructed 2001-2006)] Section 27
Karsten Pflum :: I Am Ice (Ochre rmx) [Love Canticles] Touched Music
Abjective :: Nibiru V2 [Diamagnetic Levitation] Detroit Underground
Rontronik :: Dismantling Thought [D A T A S H I F T EP] Self-Released

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D::N release of the week :: Subskan Ambidextrous Asylums (Hymen)

Playlist #605 :: The Future Sound of London “Glass”

Meat Beat Manifesto :: Digital Ear [D::N] Jack Dangers
Gary Numan :: My Name Is Ruin (Meat Beat Manifesto Alternative Mix) [My Name Is Ruin] Electronic Sound
Meat Beat Manifesto :: Synthesizer Test [Brainbox] De:Tuned
C_C :: TINTINABUL [Impedulo] Dataglitch
EXO_C (Exoterrism & C_C) :: Up3 [Laboyatta] Kvitnu
Eden Grey :: Echo Tango India [Sururrus] s/r
Rontronik :: Sparks Of Ice [Sparks Of Ice EP] Toshoklabs
Rontronik :: M-I-A (Motion-Inertia-Axis [Magma EP] Toshoklabs
Muziq :: Hasty Boom Alert [Lunatic Harness] Astralwerks
Funckarma & Subp Yao :: Sickness [Beta Bodega Coalition 2K12] Schematic Music Co.
Shadowhuntaz :: Medic [Corrupt Data Instrumentals] Skam
Traject :: Water For Muddy People [Strngir Hrynja] Spezial Material
Einoma :: Vioveran [Encam EP] Trachanik
Altered:Carbon :: Afternoon [Questasian (Outtakes & Unreleased)] Section 27
Mitoma :: Flowpath [Satellite Hive:RMX] Section 27
Posthuman :: Genetic Coder [Nebula] Acroplane
Ion Driver :: Steady [Waves] Addictech
Stendeck :: Feel the flames burning inside me [Scintilla] Tympanik Audio
Bochum Welt :: Family Computer Robot [April] !K7
Speedy J :: Halvemaa [Brainbox] De:Tuned
Strange2 & Nev.Era :: La Inoocencia (Killed by Morbia Remix) [La Inocencia RMXS] Lovethechaos
The Orb :: Chocolate Fingers [Bagdad Batteries: Orbsessions V3] Malicious Damage
Dissolved :: Sodium Dusk [Lost In A Femtosecond] Dissolvedamberrooms
Funckarma :: Nevile (EOG vs Funckarma) [Refurbished Two] n5MD
Intricate :: Solskar [In Pectra] Spezial Material / Baked Goods
Machine Drum :: Talves Machinedrum rmx (Talve) [Mergerz & Acquisitionz] Merck
Christian Kleine :: Unauthorized [Valis EP] Morr Music
Nev.Era :: Relieve [Aisla] Disomnia
Arovane :: ioqu [Ve Palor] n5MD
Autechre :: TBM2 [Elseq 3] Warp
The Future Sound of London :: Glass [Dead Cities] ebV
Amphior :: Imaginary Puzzle [Shadowland] Shipwrec
Luxus Varta :: Globb (feat. Paris The Black) [Aquamarine Puzzle EP] Shipwrec
Gyrowyre :: Dryn [Ornge EP] Enpeg
Shadow Priest :: Trapped In Amber [Street Theatre] Section 27
Shadowhuntaz :: My Geez [Valley Of The Shadow Instrumentals] Skam
Meat Beat Manifesto :: Hail To The Bopp [Actual Sounds & Voices] PIAS/Nothing
Funckarma :: Hayfever (Speedy J – Funckarma Rmx) [Refurbished One] n5MD
The Orb :: Earth (Gaia) [Adventures Beyond the Ultraworld] Big Life

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Playlist #602 :: Roel Funcken ‘Iridium Flare’ (release of the week)

Meat Beat Manifesto :: Digital Ear [Intro] Jack Dangers
Echaskech :: Kochan [Certainty of Tides EP] s/r
Scyye :: Reboot [Two Zero Five] Sparkwood
Jega :: Knight Lore [1995] Skam
Housemeister :: Digital Identity [Transfer] Detroit Underground
Odd Harmonics :: Sarangi of Light [Compilation 1] Unit Shifter
Cathode Ray Tube :: $200 Air Jordans [Abyssalia EP] Component
Meat Beat Manifesto :: Luminol [Answers Come In Dreams] Hydrogen Dukebox
Meat Beat Manifesto :: Acid Again (Dub Again) [Acid Again] Nothing
Roel Funcken :: Greyzone Baxter [Iridium Flare]
exm :: RanVOC [Overscore] Touched Music
Carl Finlow :: Hyperloop [Electricology EP] Electrix
Any Colour You Like & Faex Optim :: Interlude [Machines of Loving Grace] Eyesix
Badrich :: Forbes [Viscosity] Technicolor Yawn
Pattern Behavior :: Andromeda [Electric Minds] Component
SubtractiveLAD :: Extinguished [Nucleus] s/r
Plaster :: Omega [Mainframe] Kvitnu
Boards of Canada :: The Smallest Weird Number [Geogaddi] Warp
Kettel :: Quickpig [Wingtip] Clone
Esem :: Laid Egg [Scateren (Remaster)] s/r
port-royal :: Alma M. (Arovane Amx) [You Ware Nowhere Rmxs] n5MD
Autechre :: Corc [LP5] Warp
Boards of Canada :: New Seeds [Tomorrow’s Harvest] Warp
Faex Optim :: Yellow Shine [Compilation One] Eyesix
Selles :: Initiation [Sunwarper] s/r
Dissolved :: Incorporeal Ultramarine [Modern Mineralogy] s/r
Roel Funcken :: Huron / Dark Field (rmx) [Iridium Flare]
Dreamland Circus :: Tremofon [Wonderphase] Eyesix
Ancestral Voices :: Paititi [Night Of Visions] Samurai Horo
Drifting In Silence :: Intheend [Artificial] Labile

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D::N release of the week :: Roel Funcken Iridium Flare (

Playlist #599 :: Dissolved & Nonima ‘Dissemination Fall’ (release of the week)

Meat Beat Manifesto :: Digital Ear [Intro] Jack Dangers
Huron :: The Morning and the Cloud [Fissure EP] Mindtrick
Esoteric Sob :: Diamonds [Diamonds EP] Numb Capsule
Dissolved & Nonima :: Occultation Morning [Dissemination Fall] Section 27
Generate :: Arousal (Roel Funcken rmx) [Black Box N] Kaer’uiks
Anonymous :: Twels [Covert] Touched Music
Trdlx :: Pancake Ice [Dystopia] VoxxoV
Andre Uhl :: Clutch [Under a Swollen Silver Moon EP] Detroit Underground
Valance Drakes :: A Breathless Body [Struggle Experienced Internally] DetUnd
Alpha Bubbah :: Picasso + The Marilyn [Baby Lady Fingers] nonine
Byetone :: Grand Style [Death of a Typographer] Raster-Noton
Senking :: Serpent [Closing Ice] Raster-Noton
Syl Kougaï :: Opale Verniss [ΙΧΘΥΣ] Schematic Music Co.
Frank Riggio :: Futurism [Psychexcess II – Futurism] Hymen
Mint :: Spirit Touch [The Minotaur’s Head EP] Kahvi
Pattern Behavior :: Tunnels [Pattern Behavior EP] Component
Nonima :: Metoxific Leverage [Dissemination Fall] Section 27
EVAC :: Source (Eedl rmx) [Source EP] Addictech
Kangding Ray :: Brume [Cory Arcane] Raster-Noton
Ignatius :: 2915.4 [Music for Solder Stations EP] Buried In Time
Wirewound :: Deceleration Device (Trdlx Egyptian Funk mix) [Black Box N] Kaer’uiks
C. Mantle vs Badrich :: 01_-+1.0 [7.407.2] Acre
(ghost) :: All Vessels Die Alone (Proem rmx) [Elas EP] n5MD
Autechre :: nth Dafuseder.b [Move Of Ten] Warp

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D::N release of the week :: Dissolved & Nonima Dissemination Fall (Section 27)