Playlist #588 :: AFX ‘Orphaned Deejay Selek 2006-2008’ (released of the week)

Meat Beat Manifesto :: Digital Ear [Intro] Jack Dangers
AFX :: NEOTEKT72 [Orphaned Deejay Selek 2006-2008] Warp
Weldroid :: Xenoton – Friedrichshain (rmx) [Elektronvolt] Section 27
(ghost) :: All Vessels Die Alone (Proem rmx) [Elas EP] n5MD
Syl Kougaï :: Ether [ΙΧΘΥΣ] Schematic Music Co.
Frank Riggio :: Futurism [Psychexcess II – Futurism] Hymen
Idlefon :: Make It Rain [Submarine EP] Tympanik Audio
Architect :: Hummingbird (Nieis Binias rmx) [Neon EP] Hymen
port-royal :: Ain’t No Magician [Where Are You Now] n5MD
eyesix :: Spiral Seance [Ouija] Carpe Sonum
AFX :: bonus EMT beats [Orphaned Deejay Selek 2006-2008] Warp
AFX :: midi pipe1c sds3time cube/klonedrm [Orphaned Deejay Selek 2006-2008] Warp
Mint :: Spirit Touch [The Minotaur’s Head] Kahvi
Bovaflux :: Coriolis [Hermetic Peaks] Recycled Plastics
Tapage :: Three_Of_Six [Five & Six] Tympanik Audio
Robert Logan :: Transfigure [Flesh] Slowfoot
Simon Crab :: Linear B [After America] Fathom
Cathode Ray Tube :: The Old Space [Exodus Partners] Component
Frank Riggio :: m90 to m108 [Psychexcess II – Futurism] Hymen
Architect :: Snow. 3rd Drift [Neon EP] Hymen
Mitoma :: Waxing Gibbous [Formless EP] Section 27
Kingbastard :: Hopes & Dreams [XY34RS “A Decade of Bastardism”] Odd John
[MIIIIM] Escape From Harm [[MIIIIM]] Sparkwood

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D::N release of the week :: AFX Orphaned Deejay Selek 2006-2008 (Warp)

Playlist #582 :: Flatland Sound Studio ‘Maximum Vacation Plus’ (release of the week)

Meat Beat Manifesto :: Digital Ear [Intro] Jack Dangers
Syl Kougaï :: Pisces [ΙΧΘΥΣ] Schematic Music Co.
The Fear Ratio :: Ferm [Refuge of a Twisted Soul] Skam
Flatland Sound System :: Colour Beat [Maximum Vacation Plus] Bedroom Research
Frank Riggio :: Fullof (Artless version) [Nerves of Time V3] Kaometry
Wermonster :: She speaks backwards [Solar Tales EP] Uncomfortable Beats
Nonima & Stormfield :: Distant Thunder [Stratosphere EP] Combat
Meat Beat Manifesto :: I Control (Audio Collage #3) [Offbeat – The Red Hot Remixes] Wax Trax!
Meat Beat Manifesto :: God O.D., Pt.4 [Storm The Studio] Wax Trax!
Cannaya :: Weed for Speed [Dreams from an Urban Desert] Raumklang
Vex’d :: Firestar (2003) [20] Planet Mu
Datacrashrobot :: Quadrac [Inline Expansion EP] Bass Agenda
Faex Optim :: Summer [Mercury] Kahvi
Jvox :: Flashbacks [Strange Universe II] Component
Photophob :: Half Awake [And All the Dreams You Don’t Remember] M-Tronic
SIXIS :: Refraction Point [Refraction Point EP] Addictech
Legiac :: Gliese581c [The Faex Has Decimated] Tympanik Audio
Tim Koch :: Fragmemory (Murya rmx) [Touched Two (The Remixes)] Touched Music
Syl Kougaï :: Opale Verniss [ΙΧΘΥΣ] Schematic Music Co.
Phoenecia :: Nostrum Remedium [Demissions] Schematic / DetUnd
B12 :: Orbita Tolv (Dust Rework) [Touched Two (The Remixes)] Touched Music
Nathan :: Xupiter (Bibio rmx) [Touched Two (The Remixes)] Touched Music
Sean Byrd :: Woke Up Missing You [Always Was] Plastic Sound Supply
Iuengliss :: Down Cosm [Down Cosm] Plastic Sound Supply

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D::N release of the week :: Flatland Sound System Maximum Vacation Plus (Bedroom Research)