Meat Beat Manifesto :: Digital Ear [Intro] Jack Dangers
Rugon :: 0327 [A Call Too Close] brokntoys
The JD’s :: Kitty Litter [The Texas Chain Store Manager] Pretension
C Mantle :: _a_-om.c–_y __-rec. [Anatomically Correct] Acre
Somatic Responses :: Smile130 [Fract Smile] Welsh Modular Alliance
London Modular Alliance :: Head of the Keeper [Cracked Dice EP] Central Processing Unit
NULLPTR :: Cytron [Future World] Central Processing Unit
Nuanae :: Iridium (Hypercube Remix) [Alix En Axtral] Kaer’Uiks
Myoptik :: Mouth So Much (The Horn Shouty Kenneth remix) [Bananasplitz] Ping-discs/Touched Music
Golden Fangs :: Wasteland [Golden Fangs] Concrete Collage
BUNKR :: Solar Wings (Octavcat Remix) [The Initiation Well Remixed] BUNKR
Loopser :: Distuntivab [Six Listen] People Can Listen
The Orb :: Secrets [Orblivion] Island
Plaid :: Itsu (LA Synthesis Remix) [Tails of the unexpected] Pulse State
Si Begg :: Electronisch For Pleasure [400 Million Places of You] Love Love
Itsu :: Fingerspelling [Typography] Detroit Underground
Datach’i :: Rockledge 3A [Bones] Timesig/Planet Mu
Rico Casazza :: Plar Vortex [DMC006] Dionysian Mysteries
Nomenklatur :: Transcendance (Franck Kartell Remix) [Atomised Remixed] Bass Agenda
Alex Jann :: Computoid.Transmission.X [Computoid.Transmission.X] Censor Music
Velum Break :: Staro [Bench Manoeuvres] Touched Music
Carbinax :: Mion [Imagineer] Self Released
ADJ :: DNA [Steet Life Part 2] Pyramid Transmissions
Andrea :: MT [Time Horizon] XCPT
Ben Sims :: Day One, I Can See The Light [Furthur Journeys Into Electronix 2] Furthur Electronix
Marching Dynamics :: Lashings [Nailsleeper] Hymen
Aphex Twin :: Mookid […I Care Because You Do] Sire
LFO :: We Are Back (Remix) [We Are Back] Tommy Boy
Dimensional Holofonic Sound :: Sound System [Seeing Is Believing] Self Released
Dez Williams :: Lunchunmeet [A Call Too Close] brokntoys
Playlist #604 :: Dataline ‘Be There’ (release of the week)
Meat Beat Manifesto :: Digital Ear [D::N] Jack Dangers
Franck Kartell :: Soleil Froid [Alaska EP] Bass Agenda
Jokers Of The Scene :: Have You Said Your Prayers Today? [Music Sans Frontiers] Balkan Vinyl
Radioactive Man :: Acidfish [Music Sans Frontiers] Balkan Vinyl
Hijo :: D [A-D EP] Magic Square
Meat Beat Manifesto :: I Am Organic [Original Fire EP] Nothing/PIAS
Jack Dangers :: Liquid Dub (Jack Dangers rmx) [Pro.File V1 – Remix Collection] Brooklyn Music
Orbital :: Out There Somewhere (Part 2) [In Sides] FFRR
Cabaret Voltaire :: I Want You (808 Heaven Mix) [Technology: Western Re-Works 1992] Virgin
David Elsewhere :: Cosmic Voyager [Self-Released]
K-Chaos :: Decadence [Transcience EP] Onset Audio
Somatic Responses :: Isolated Circuit [Pattern Seeking] Hymen
James Murray :: Equuleus [Heavenly Waters EP] Slowfoot
Boards of Canada :: Jacquard Causeway [Tomorrow’s Harvest] Warp
Amphior :: Secret Pathway [Shadowland] Shipwrec
Boards of Canada :: Dayvan Cowboy [The Campfire Headphase] Warp
ISAN :: Titled, Not Tithed [Clockwork Menagerie] Morr Music
Mr. Projectile :: I Know (feat. Mimi Page Rmx) [Phoenix] Self-Released
Cathode Ray Tube :: Clay Hearts [The Frozen Years EP] Condition:Human
Abfahrt Hinwil :: Tech7 [Links Berchts Rechts Seen EP] Toytronic
Dataline :: I Am Absent [Be There] Detroit Underground
Wake :: I Am Diamond [Am Diamond] Schematic Music Co.
Wake :: Uncle [Am Diamond] Schematic Music Co.
JFrank :: Karoshi [Micro Life Span EP] Kaer’Uiks
Abjective :: The Mistral [Diamagnetic Levitation] Detroit Underground
Crewdson :: Finders Keepers [Toys – Broken & Remixed] Slowfoot
Yaporigami :: Fourth Sound Extinguisher [One Sound Extinguisher EP] Kaer’Uiks
Mtch :: Quets [Splt / Rlm EP] Kaer’Uiks
Ignatius :: Nlot [Ontl3_patterns] Buried In Time
Autechre :: latentcall [elseq 4 EP] Warp
Brothomstates :: Natin [Claro] Warp
Quinoline Yellow :: Congregation [Palisade Mount EP] Touchin’ Bass
Valance Drakes :: State Your Intentions (OriginalMix) [An honest approach to it] Detroit Underground
Midday Static :: Farewell Friend [Turquoise Summer EP] Self-Released
Dif:Use :: Venous [Mandrake] Symbolic Interaction
D::N release of the week :: Dataline Be There (Detroit Underground)
Playlist #569 :: Badun ‘s.o.t.s. Respace’ (release of the week)
Meat Beat Manifesto :: Digital Ear [Intro] Jack Dangers
Phoenecia :: Two-Part Invention… (Valance Drakes rmx) [Beta Bodega Coalition 2K12] Schematic Music Co.
Badun :: Glry Studio – by dgoHn… [s.o.t.s. Respace] Schematic Music Co.
Kero :: MMVSMD [Friendly Integration V2] Detroit Underground
eyesix :: Actiniarian [Eyecanula EP] s/r
Xtrngr :: Hypnotize [REC 20] Discontinu
Zyxt :: Nourish [Quelart] The Crime League
AFX :: MODULART3 [schmoo pulse] [SYROBONKERS! Interview trax] s/r
Aphex Twin :: hat 2h 2012b [Computer Controlled…] Warp
Coax :: Sellom [COM1] s/r
Arovane :: Il_Eth [Aarlenpeers EP] Touchin’ Bass
Plasma Lamp :: Zeros [Alt. Frequencies 3] Worm Interface
Franck Kartell :: L’evade du Temps [La Jetee d’Orly] Bass Agenda
Annie Hall :: DSM-5 (Valance Drakes rmx) [Random Paraphillia] Detroit Underground
Valance Drakes :: Midst of Strange Days [Stranger Symphony EP] Schematic Music Co.
Alex Delarge :: Funkturk4t [Mimetika] Envizagae
Crisopa :: Estratocluster [A Lucid Dream Kit] n5MD
Atmogat :: Berlin 4am (Access To Arasaka rmx) [Trigger Event] Impulsive Art
Einoma :: Encam (Traject rmx) [Encam EP] Trachanik
Loess :: Spetaelska [Burrows] n5MD/nonresponse
Loess :: Sonde [Wind And Water] n5MD
Deru :: Echoes of Me [Pushing Air] Neo Ouija
Deru :: The Days Before Yesterday [Trying to Remember] Merck
DNN :: 37 grad (Atmogat rmx) [Try to Feel] Halbsicht
36 :: Drift Orbit [Sine Dust EP] 3six
D::N release of the week :: Badun s.o.t.s. Respace (Schematic Music Co.)
Playlist #568 :: Scyye ‘From’ (release of the week)
Meat Beat Manifesto :: Digital Ear [Intro] Jack Dangers
Shadowhuntaz :: Roar [Corrupt Data Instrumentals] Skam
Automotive :: Digil Parker [The Digil Parker Project] Couchblip!
Dn Fnckn :: Ghetto One Four [Touched Two] Touched Music
Brothomstates :: Natin [Claro] Warp
Richard Devine :: Step Focus [Aleamapper] Schematic Music Co.
Funckarma :: Nevile (EOG vs. Funckarma) [Refurbished Two] n5MD
Bass Kittens :: Rare Bread [The Electro Compendium] Anti-Social Network
Franck Kartell :: Le Cinquantieme Jour [La Jetee d’Orly] Bass Agenda
Dimensional Holofonic Sound :: Then Your CD Skips [The Difference Between…] Hangman
Dimensional Holofonic Sound :: Holofonic Sound [The House of God] Hangman
Meat Beat Manifesto :: Transmission (Stately Pleasure Dub) [Transmission EP] PIAS
Meat Beat Manifesto :: Cutman [Armed Audio Warfare Remastered]
Dimensional Holofonic Sound :: Number #9 Bad Acid [The House of God] Hangman
Funckarma :: Estrella V2 (Gridlock) [Refurbished Two] n5MD
Scyye :: CCTV [From EP] Sparkwood
Autechre :: Second Scout [Tri Repetae++] Warp
Bola :: Magnasushi [Fyuti] Skam
Arovane :: Norvum [Atol Scrap] DIN
Herrmann & Kleine :: Headlights [Our Noise] Morr Music
Mr. Projectile :: Resistance is Fertile [Sinking] Merck
Badun :: Fradig James – by Icarus… [s.o.t.s Respace EP] Schematic
Valance Drakes :: Don’t Trust Your Weakness [Fail with Honour…] Luana
Ilkae :: Health [Array / Decay] s/r
Squarepusher :: Sarcacid Pt. 2 [Burningn’n Tree] Warp/Spymania
D::N release of the week :: Scyye From EP (Sparkwood)
Playlist #535 :: Ignatius ‘Nodding’s Uses’ (release of the week)
Meat Beat Manifesto :: Digital Ear [D::N] Jack Dangers
214 :: Descent [Present Tense] Touchin’ Bass
Sky Tucker :: Notewithstanding [Present Tense] Touchin’ Bass
Pip Williams :: Ashburton [Mode#7 EP] Brokntoys
Plaid :: Nafovanny [Reachy Prints] Warp
Annie Hall :: SADA ABE [Random Paraphilia] Detroit Underground
Nearfield :: G5 (Nearfield’s Alt Mix) [G5 EP] Clean Error
Ignatius :: EndsAD [Nodding’s Uses] Buried In Time
VHS Head :: Red Ocean Apocalypse [Persistence of Vision] Skam
Questasion :: Bokey Smacon [Sectioned V4.0] Section 27
Defrag :: Entering the Abyss [Drown] Hymen
Logreybeam :: Joon Glume [False Start] False Industries
Clark :: Amon Tobin, Kitchen Sink (rmx) [Feast / Beast] Warp
DraskoV :: Quantum Shift [Friendly Integration V2] DetUnd
Plaid :: Wallet [Reachy Prints] Warp
Diamat :: Heliotrope (Megrim rmx) [Being…Remixed] n5MD
Rainer Veil :: Strangers [New Brutalism] Modern Love
Franck Kartell :: State of Inconsciousness [Afterlife] Bass Agenda
Fennesz :: Pallas Athena [The Liar] Mego
Anklebiter :: Rando [Weight of a Pronoun] The Crime League
Echaskech :: Voyager [Origin] Just Music
Eyesix :: Maryland [Limerence] Sparkwood
Bocuma :: Passing Wave [Summer Pylon] s/r
Teebs :: LSP [Collection 01] Brainfeeder
David Douglas :: Far Side of the Moon [Moon Observations] Atomnation
Eyescream :: No Matter How Fair [Noir] Tympanik Audio
D::N release of the week :: Ignatius Nodding’s Uses (Buried In Time)